Finding a great lawyer can be easy. Let us help you figure out exactly what type of lawyer you may need.
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Sure, you can open up Yelp to find the top-rated lawyer near you. However, chances are the lawyers you find might not be able to handle the kind of legal issue you’re facing. There are many types of lawyers, each handling different legal problems and with different cost structures. Many firms may not ask for any fees up front, or even have win or no fee options available, while others may want a big cash retainer up front. Understanding their roles and responsibilities will help you make an informed decision when hiring.
In this article, we’ve provided you with a quick guide to the ten most in demand types of lawyers for small businesses and individuals. If you need legal representation but don’t know which type of lawyer might meet your needs, don’t worry. Below are descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of each lawyer. Check them out, then focus your search on the lawyer who can address your problem.
1. Civil Litigation
If an individual or business has served you papers requiring you to appear in court because of a certain matter, then you’ll need a litigator. A civil litigation lawyer is an individual who goes to the court on your behalf. They represent clients in civil (not criminal) court, either as a defendant or plaintiff. These lawyers handle the most common types of civil litigations like contract disputes, violation of the non-complete obligation to a firm, class actions lawsuits, property disputes, etc.
Generally, a civil litigation lawyer comes in when two or more parties disagree and settle their issues at court.
2. Criminal Defence
When the federal or state government charges you with a crime, the courtroom proceedings are considered criminal. If you’re arrested for theft, assault, or battery and the arresting officer reads your Miranda rights before taking you into custody, you require a criminal defense lawyer.
The lawyer will look into your case and make sure you’re deemed “innocent until proven guilty”. Also, the criminal attorney will argue for a “not guilty” judgment by trying to cast doubt on the prosecution’s theory related to your case. Basically, criminal lawyers understand their ways around arrest, proof, arraignment, bails, and other related issues. So, if you wish to stay out of jail, find a good criminal attorney.
3. Defamation Lawyer
Defamation lawyers are another group of civil litigation lawyers. If someone is defaming your character via slander or libel and you want to take him to court, you need a defamation attorney. The same case applies to individuals who cause harm to your reputation or business through false accusations or defamatory statements. Defamation law is complicated and constantly evolving, so it’s wise to keep a defamation lawyer around in case you find yourself on the receiving end of a defamation-relation issue.
4. Family Lawyer
Family lawyers handle any family-related issues, including paternity, child welfare, alimony, adoption & guardianship, juvenile delinquency matters, and more. If you want to divorce your wife or claim custody of the kids, a family lawyer will help you. The lawyer will draft negotiations, counsel you on legal options, resolve your family issues and write prenuptial agreements.
5. Traffic Lawyer
On the road, there are several types of traffic violations you can face at any time. They range from speeding tickets, suspended licenses, DUI, or hit-and-run offenses. Dealing with traffic violation cases is not easy. That’s why it’s recommended you get a good traffic lawyer if you violate any traffic rules. You require a traffic lawyer when you’re not familiar with traffic laws or to negotiate lower fines. Also, they can help you get an alternative discipline or lighter penalty when you plead guilty.
6. Estates and Wills
Do you need a thoughtful plan for how your assets will get divided when you die? Do you want to reduce estate taxes and increase your children’s inheritance? You can achieve these through the help of an estate lawyer. These lawyers are well-versed in the details of wills, trusts, property rights, and probate. They will provide you with legal assistance and advice to ensure your assets in and out of the will or trust will get handled correctly.
7. Immigration Lawyer
Getting legal status or citizenship is no walk in the park. It’s overwhelming and very intimidating. An immigration lawyer will provide you with advice and help you navigate the various requirements to study, work or live in America. If you’re a refugee or seeking asylum, an immigration lawyer can help you too.
8. Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have injuries stemming from medical malpractices, car accidents, or workplace accidents, find yourself a personal injury lawyer. These attorneys work in civil litigations to help clients receive the maximum compensation from insurance for damages incurred. A personal injury lawyer will prove that the responsible party – whether a company, individual, or hospital – is liable and owes damages to the client.
9. Real Estate Lawyer
These lawyers handle issues related to the land, water, and structures, including title documents, purchase agreements, and mortgages. Usually, they represent land sellers or buyers, tenants, land developers, and landlords. So, when you need to carve out an easement, you will need a real estate lawyer.
10. Labor / Employement Lawyer
Labor lawyers Specialize in Employment law and can handle issues related to the workplace. They can represent both employers and employees in disputes and negotiations. As an employee, you may want to meet with a labor lawyer if: You want to file a lawsuit against your employer for any kind of perceived mistreatment, You’ve been terminated or put on leave with or without cause, or any time you are faced with changing workplace terms and agreements or new policies.
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Final Thoughts
There you have it, the list of the 10 most common types of lawyers for individuals and small businesses. Regardless of the kind of legal problems you’re facing, these lawyers can help you handle the case. Often times, you do not need to worry about any upfront fees and you only pay after you win your case.